Exam Regulations

Please consult the Evaluation of Student Learning section of the academic regulations for undergraduate studies, as well as related sections regarding the grading system and academic standing.  For academic accommodations for religious observances, see the Religious accommodations section.

The method of exam delivery is fixed and is not subject to change to ensure the integrity of the final exam. 

The Student Services Centre (SSC) approves and manages the deferred midterm and final exams of undergraduate students for ADM courses. 

Professors are responsible for the approval of absences during tests, quizzes, and the late submission of written assignments. 

Important dates ADM deferred exam  

All deferred final exams for ADM courses will take place either during the deferred exam period indicated in the important academic dates deadlines, or during the next regular exam period in which the course is offered. 

All deferred ADM midterm exams for Winter Term 2024 will be held over the weekend of March 23 and 24, 2024. Exceptionally, the deferred midterm exams #2 for ADM 3340, ADM 3345 and ADM 3444 will be held on April 6, 2024. 

Procedure for deferring an exam in an ADM course  

To defer a missed evaluation in an ADM course, please complete the ABSENCE DECLARATION - EVALUATIONS form for each evaluation missed, within five (5) business days of the evaluation in question.  No supporting documents are required the first time you apply for a given course.  

Students can request a maximum of one (1) deferred exam per course, and this evaluation must be taken within six (6) months after the end of the term. If a student defers a midterm exam, they won’t be able to defer the final exam for the same course.  This also applies to any deliverable for which weight transfer is possible.  The Telfer School will only allow one (1) opportunity to write a deferred exam. No other opportunities will be allowed. 

Submission of the Absence Declaration Evaluation form and supporting documentation does not guarantee approval of a deferred examination request. The deferral request will not be approved without the submission of the Absence Declaration Evaluation form and supporting documentation if needed.    

For a course from another faculty, please contact the faculty in question and/or the professor. 

Reason for deferring an exam

Please note that we agree to defer an examination only in the following situations: 

Exam conflicts:

  • Two exams on the same date and at the same time, or 
  • Three, 3-hour exams scheduled on the same date, between 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. that day.
  • Take-home exams are not considered within the exam conflicts listed above.

Please contact us within 5 working days of receiving your exam schedule for any disputes.  Any deferral request for exam conflicts received after the exam date will not be accepted. 

Medical grounds:

Exceptional personal circumstances:  

Travel, employment and misreading the examination schedule, and not attending an in-person exam because you are not in Canada are not acceptable reasons for deferring an examination.   

Students who write an examination may not appeal their final grades due to one of the reasons mentioned above.