“My time at Telfer has been great. What I like most is being able to meet like-minded people. I have made some close friends from classes and clubs who have really shaped my university experience for the better.

I wanted to study marketing, because I wanted to learn how to present a brand in the most appealing way. I love marketing because it brings together data and creativity.

A couple of things Telfer has taught me is to go after things I want, and not to let opportunities pass me and to build meaningful connections because they can lead to great things.

Some of the highlights of my Telfer adventure have been being part of Enactus, working on the Legacy conference, and being part of a club. It has brought me amazing opportunities and allowed me to make great connections. Hearing the feedback about the conference from students after they attended and seeing the impact it had made on their journey made me happy.

The past 3 years at Telfer have taught me a lot and have allowed me to have new experiences, to make tons of new friends and to do what I love.”

– Favour Okeugo, 3rd‑year Marketing, Enactus participant


Inspired by Brandon Stanton’s Humans of New York, this weekly feature of the Telfer Career Blog will contain photography of individuals from the Telfer School of Management community and a corresponding narrative that gives us a glimpse into their lives.