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Humans of Telfer – Fiona

Fiona smiling in front of a brown wood wall

“One of the most rewarding moments during my Telfer experience was in my 3rd year, when my team won first place in the marketing case competition at Jeux du Commerce, a large business competition between many different universities.

Case competitions are always a chance to have a lot of fun and use my creative skills, but the reason that this moment was so rewarding was that I had competed in the same competition in my 2nd year, and despite our hard work, we did not do very well. This setback pushed me to work harder and prepare stronger for the next competition, knowing that I needed to develop my problem-solving and adaptability skills. I am now a stronger teammate, leader and problem-solver because of this experience and the many other competitions I have competed in!”

– Fiona Doomasia

Inspired by Brandon Stanton’s Humans of New York, this weekly feature of the Telfer Career Blog will contain photography of individuals from the Telfer School of Management community and a corresponding narrative that gives us a glimpse into their lives.