On May 10, 2014 forty candidates from the Class of 2015 travelled to Silicon Valley as a part of Telfer Executive MBA's Innovation and Entrpreneurship Trip and Consulting Project. 

Over the duration of the week, candidates will finalize their findings and report for their North American client. In addition, candidates will also visit several of the world's leading technology companies, attend private executive briefings with senior Silicon Valley leaders and see first-hand previews of the future technology and innovation. Technology companies on the agenda for this year include Google, Apple, Cisco, IBM, and Younoodle. 

Teams will be contributing to a daily blog which will be featured on the Telfer Executive MBA webpage as well as the Ottawa Business Journal.

Day one: Seeking the Spark of Innovation
Monday, May 12, 2014 By Susan Munn, Telfer Executive MBA candidate

Day two: The Winding Hill to the Top
Tuesday, May 13, 2014 By Susanne Grundy, Telfer Executive MBA candidate

Day three: The Importance of Culture
Wednesday, May 14, 2014 By David Fraser, Telfer Executive MBA candidate

Day four: Trends and Values in the Valley
Wednesday, May 15, 2014 By Quasim Chaudry and Arelis Medina-Recio, Telfer Executive MBA candidates

Day five: Networks and Networking
By Ron MacEachern, Telfer Executive MBA candidate